A skier’s skis, the surfing board of a surfer, a cyclist’s bicycle, the hockey stick of a hockey player, and the scuba gears of a scuba diver are all important to the person who will use them for their sports or activities. One would always want their sporting gear to be intact, safe, and protected from damage while traveling. Therefore, when making your way out to a new destination, it is essential to have your sports gear transported safely and conveniently. Frontier Airlines has given their passengers full access to bring in their sports equipment, allowing numerous sports enthusiasts to travel with their gear without hassle. Now, passengers can carry skis, archery equipment, skateboards, camping gear, kayaks & Canoes, parachutes, and numerous other sporting equipment under Frontier Airlines Sports Equipment Policy, benefiting many sports enthusiasts.
As a sports enthusiast, a question might come to your mind: How can you travel safely with your sporting equipment? To answer your query and make it an effortless process, Frontier Airline has introduced a Sports Equipment Policy, allowing sports enthusiast to travel with their sporting gear with comfort and no challenges.
Sports Equipment Policy of Frontier Airlines
With a comprehensive policy for traveling with sports equipment, Frontier Airlines has made it easier for sports enthusiasts to bring their gear along on their trips. This has given convenience, protection, flexibility, and peace of mind to whoever is traveling with their sports gear. Below is some information you should know before carrying any sports gear while traveling with Frontier Airlines.
List of Sports Equipment Allowed by Frontier Airlines
- Ammunition
- Archery (Bows and Arrows)
- Bicycles
- Bowling Equipment
- Camping Equipment
- Firearms
- Fishing Equipment
- Golf Equipment
- Hockey Equipment
- Kayak & Canoe
- Parachutes
- Scuba gear
- Skates
- Skateboard
- Ski Equipment
- Snowboard
- Windsurfing Equipment
While traveling with Frontier Airlines, passengers must go through their sporting equipment policy to learn about the restrictions and requirements that passengers need to follow so that further complications do not arise. It is always better to follow the rules provided by the airline and make use of the benefits provided as per the Sports Equipment Policy.
Things to Know – Weight, Check-in, Restrictions & Extra Charges
1. All the sporting equipment will be considered in checked-in baggage.
2. The standard checked bag should have a maximum weight of 40 lbs; bags measuring 63 to 110 inches (length + width + height) will incur an additional fee, bags weighing 41 to 50 lbs incur an additional fee of $50, and bags weighing 51-100 lbs will incur an additional fee of $100.
3. Online Check-in of your sports equipment must be done through the Frontier Airlines website or mobile app 24 hours before flight departure time.
4. At the airport, it is recommended to check in your sports gear 2 hours before when traveling for domestic flights and 3 hours for international flights.
Packaging – While Carrying Sports Gears on Frontier
1. Passengers can only carry 11 lbs of ammunition, which should be packed in the manufacturer’s original container or equivalent, and will need an extra 30 minutes to check in.
2. Passengers must carry one enclosed container of sufficient strength to protect the bow, quiver, and arrows from accidental damage.
3. Bicycles must have their handlebars fixed sideways, paddles must be removed if the bicycle is wrapped in plastic foam, and anything exceeding 100 lbs or 109 linear inches will not be accepted.
4. Golfing equipment must be carried in a hard-sided golf bag case.
5. The hockey sticks or Lacrosse must be packed in a bag or a case, and all the other hockey equipment must be packed in a bag.
6. The kayak & Canoe must be packed in a suitable kayak bag or case.
7. All the scuba equipment must be packed in one bag containing fins, a mask, a knife, a snorkel, a regulator, a safety vest, a spear gun, a pressure gauge, a tank harness, and an empty scuba tank.
8. Skies and snowboards must be packed in a suitable case for protection.
9. Pack paragliders in a bag or a case.
10. Passengers must pack their fishing equipment in one bag that contains rods, reels, landing nets, fishing boots, and a tackle box.